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Southend Shakespeare Company


by Sophocles 

A powerful king and a brave young woman’s momentous battle for their country’s security and their family’s rights. See Sophocles famous tragedy, as Southend Shakespeare Company present a dynamic, highly charged political thriller for our times. State versus the individual, family loyalty, crime, morality and equality.  Written 2,466 years ago it could have been yesterday. 

Who is the tragic hero?

You must decide.

Don’t miss it.

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SSC Platinum Ball Group.jpg

About the Company

Originally formed in 1951, the Southend Shakespeare Company is one of the few theatre groups in the south-east, professional or amateur, that dedicates itself to performing plays from a classical repertoire.  In recent years our programme has included works both ancient and modern, by authors as diverse as Coward, Moliere, Wilde, Miller, Priestley and of course, Shakespeare.

We are also one of the most prolific drama groups around, producing an average of five productions each year. Our indoor shows are staged at the Dixon Studio at the famous Palace Theatre in Southend on Sea. Every July we also stage an open air summer production at various open air venues in Essex.

We are always on the look out for new faces who may be interested in acting, or working backstage or any other aspect of the Company. As a Full or Associate Member of the SSC you can obtain discount tickets for certain shows. If you would like to contact us please use the Get In Touch button in the corner of our homepage. We hope to see you soon!   

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